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Young Guns was released in 19 and became a big enough hit to warrant this sequel two years later Reuniting gunslingers Billy the Kid (Estevez), Doc Scurlock (Sutherland) and Chavez (Phillips) from the first film, Young Guns II follows the same formula that worked two years previouslyThe "Mounted Rifles" failed in their purposes, however, and the group lasted only about three months, a period during which Chavez y Chavez remained with Billy's gangEventually Chavez was shot in a shootout between Billy and Pat Garretts posse at Stinking Springs and died later onThe Lincoln County War was an Old West conflict between rival factions which began in 1878 in New Mexico Territory, the predecessor of the state of New Mexico, and continued until 11 The feud became famous because of the participation of the criminal William H Bonney ("Billy the Kid")Other notable participants included Sheriff William J Brady, cattle rancher John Chisum,

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